About Us
Founded in 1963, Ceylon Tea Brokers is the first stand-alone Tea Broking Company to be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. Since our inception, we have ascended to great heights in the Ceylon Tea industry as a premium service provider specialising in tea broking and marketing superior quality tea from factories representing all elevations, such as Uva High, Uva Medium, Western High, Western Medium and Low Grown.
Covering key service areas from Tea Broking and Marketing, Financing, Warehousing Manufacturing Advisory Services to Cataloguing and Real Time Informative Services. Ceylon Tea Brokers have not only become a trailblazer in the Ceylon Tea Broking sector, but aspire to retain the market position through innovation. Their experience of decades and meticulous attention to everything happening in the Tea industry, sets them apart.
Our status as the first stand-alone tea broking company in Sri Lanka to be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange is another outcome of our endless pursuit of unmatched quality that we believe must reflect on all that we do. Providing services to over 120 factories in Sri Lanka, we are proud to say that we handle more than 16% of the value of the produce sold at the Colombo Tea Auction.
We firmly believe that our growth is reflected in the extent of the services we offer to our reputed customers, which is why we are committed to offering a full set of services that guarantee complete satisfaction.
Tea Broking
Warehousing & Sampling
Manufacturing Advisory Services
Cataloguing and Real Time Informative Services

Ceylon Tea Brokers is among the most reputed tea broking companies in Sri Lanka today. However, the road to securing our status was not an easy one. It is a story of relentless resilience, courage, teamwork, commitment to the industry and its stakeholders and an undeniable thirst for knowledge and growth. As we are now among the best tea brokers in Sri Lanka, we look back at that history with pride.
Foundation laid with a partnership formed by M/s
C.J.C De Silva, R.E.P. Abeywardena and J. Peiris.
Incorporated as a private limited company.
Acquired by the Capital Alliance Group
Renamed Ceylon Tea Brokers (Pvt) Ltd.
Renamed Ceylon Tea BConverted to a Public Companyrokers (Pvt) Ltd.
Listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange as the first
standalone Tea Broking Company.
Corporate office shifted to a strategic location at
Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02.
Bronze Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the
52nd Annual Report Awards competition organised
by CA Sri Lanka.
Acquisition of Logicare (Pvt) Ltd to enter into the logistics business |
I Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 53rd Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka. |
I Merit Award – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2017 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
I Annual Staff Get-Together and Employee Award Ceremony |
Acquisition of Logicare (Pvt) Ltd to enter into the logistics business |
I Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 53rd Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka. |
I Merit Award – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2017 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
I Annual Staff Get-Together and Employee Award Ceremony |
First ever Rights Issue. | Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 54th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka. |
Best Integrated Report – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2018 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Overall Merit Award at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2018 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
First ever Rights Issue. |
Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 54th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka. |
Best Integrated Report – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2018 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Overall Merit Award at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2018 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Achieved a profit after tax of Rs. 113.55 Mn for the year ended 31st March 2019. | Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 55th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka |
Best Integrated Report – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2019 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Overall Merit Award at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2019 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Achieved a profit after tax of Rs. 113.55 Mn for the year ended 31st March 2019. |
Silver Award – ‘Service Organisation Category’ at the 55th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka |
Best Integrated Report – ‘SME Category’ at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2019 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Overall Merit Award at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2019 organised by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Commencement of Online Auctions by the Tea Trade
Bronze Award- “Service Organisation Category “at the 56th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka |
I Achieved a Market Share of 15.77% on the value of Teas sold. |
Bronze Award- “Service Organisation Category “at the 56th Annual Report Awards competition organised by CA Sri Lanka |
I Achieved a Market Share of 15.77% on the value of Teas sold. |
“Best Integrated Annual Report Award” SME Category at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2023 organized by CMA Sri Lanka. |
“Best Integrated Annual Report Award” SME Category at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2023 organized by CMA Sri Lanka. |
Our competent team is the heart and soul of our company, ensuring that we continuously offer our customers the best service, even during the most challenging times!

Since the inception of Ceylon Tea Brokers, our extraordinary team has dedicated themselves to always being a helping hand to all our stakeholders, adding value to their experiences, and creating a stepping stone for them to reach their milestones. As we move forward, we acknowledge the value of our learnings we have mastered over the years and dedicate ourselves to the further development of our capabilities.
We value honesty above all else. We ensure it is reflected in our operations with stringent measures implemented to actively seek methods and processes to offer our stakeholders the chance to access the latest and the most credible sources of information on Ceylon Tea with the utmost convenience.
Doing the right thing that benefits all our stakeholders, protecting their wellbeing and growth, is at the very core of our business.
Striving towards a common goal, the main ingredient of our secret sauce that leads us to our success is our incredible team.